Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 12

Last week was literally the LAST week - the last week of class. We've talked about another good topic "property." We've defined property in a broad conception and the concept of the natural right to property. Property could be signaled by trademark, patent, and copyright. They are owned by one and could not be stolen by others or infringed. We have also learned some closed and open approaches for property and the policy of U of T towards copyright. What I'm confused is about the "tragicomedy" of common property... It was interesting point but also a little confusing. 

Project 2 has come out. This time there were 2 files we need to work on. Jessie and I started working on them earnestly. I felt like the material was obviously more challenging than Project 1 and was also more interesting. After re-watching some of the videos and our discussion, things have become easier. We also went to office hour to consult the professor about some of our confusion and finally it was done perfectly. 

All there is left is the final exam. It counts for 39% so i must treat it seriously and review all the concepts and Dr.Racket videos. I hope everyone could get a good mark in return for their effort. :)

Week 11

At week 11, we have learned a very interesting but serious topic, Privacy. In fact in this day and time, since the electronic technology has developed so fast and has overwhelmingly dominated people's lifestyle, personal information seemed would never be well secured. Some approaches may have directly or indirectly acquired people's privacy and might be distributed to anywhere in exchange for money or other goodwill. For example, the buyer loyalty plans, surveys, credit info, cookies... The objectives of those may not be just as simple as so-called "for your convenience" but also for other purposes that may infringe your rights. After all the above mentioned ones are optional, you can choose not to take them at all. Some  other ways, however, require your personal info since they are not allowed to be kept private, such as hospital of birth, date of birth, gender, etc. These info can help identify a person quite thoroughly. Even in our campus, our UT mail has been contracted out to Microsoft. Our personal data may be shared or may appear on some certain lists. It also claimed that this may not infringe our rights. But really? Anyway, for us, we need to realize the importance of protecting our privacy. What we could do include many like, creating reliable passwords, updating security systems, encrypting.. Always be careful!

Besides privacy, we've also learned new things from Dr. Racket. The concepts of "flatten" and "depth" seemed confusing at first. But after watching the videos a couple of times and hearing the professor's explanations, I finally figured them out and did quite well in the quiz.

In summary, this is my favorite lecture of this semester. The topic of privacy is appealing to me. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 10

The lecture last evening has taught us something about the effects of the development of computers. The automation and computerization has replaced human labour due to its outstanding efficiency and effectiveness in completing tasks. In the second period of the lecture the professor gave us a handout about products of sums, instructing us to work in pairs. I'm not proud to say this but, in fact, I did not really try to figure out how it worked because there would be a midterm at 8pm. I'm gonna check it again later. 

I've prepared quite well for the midterm. I almost record everything appeared on the slides and notes on my cheat sheet. However, I don't think i can ace it like the first one as I finished the test. I mean I have done a pretty good job in the part of binary transformation and the functions of Dr.Racket, but the first two short questions which was quite open-end have stumped me. I though that was because I had not really understood the concepts or definitions to a deeper extent. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Week 9

This Wednesday I have learned the interconnection of computer networks. It was a little tedious for me so I could not really concentrate on the lecture... I will study it again during fall break. Also, the second period of the lecture was about the recursion part of Dr.Racket. I found it similar to the apply part, which both required the knowledge of how the images would grow and develop as the number in the bracket of definitions change. One thing that worth noticing was that I should put special attention if the definition includes rotation part, because it would be tricky for the next image produced if the previous image has not been rotated. Later in the quiz, I thought I did a good job.(The font I'm using now reminds me of Dr.Racket haha)

Fall break officially starts, from now on. But there will be a second midterm next Wednesday. I need to have a review plan and start to design my cheat sheet!!! Go for it!!!I can do it!!!! But before that I need to enjoy my days off first haha :)

Week 8

In last week (week 8), I learned something about operators and operating systems, including the evolution of the systems that how the systems that were used to be operated by human evolved into automation step by step, which was quite interesting to me. Also, for Dr.Racket, I got to know the "apply" part and the outcomes of changing the number in the definition that could produce images based on the very original image. This kind of knowledge was actually not difficult, conversely, it was funny and I learned it fast. I could even get all the exercises on the handout correct before the professor told the right answer. From the exercises I've also learned the meaning of "beside/align" in the definition, which just meant to connect the head of image with the tail of the last image.Thus, for the quiz i thought I did pretty well even if the marks have not come out yet... Speaking of marks, fortunately, I've got a fairly good feedback in my first midterm. :)

The other big thing in week 8 was that Jessie and I have successfully completed the first project named "sneeze." I have to say that it was not a difficult one but somehow tricky and it really tests the basic skills of writing definitions in Dr.Racket. Jessie and I have got most of them correct before we went to consult the professor about our confusion during his office hour. Thanks to professor's guidance, we got all the definitions correct finally. As I click "run", the things happened made me realize that Dr.Racket was really an amazing tool and program!!! I love Dr.Racket!!!I love CSC104!!!I love our super super nice professor!!!  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hi I'm Rebecca Ren. I have just created my own blog. Feeling good :)